Bee stings and labor

I never knew if I could handle the pain of labor. I thought I had a strong pain threshold but then again, who was I kidding? I had never even been stung by a bee.  After a traumatic birth with my first, one that took me spiraling down the stairs of Postpartum Depression, I didn’t … More Bee stings and labor

Think you don’t need a doula if you’re taking Bradley classes? Think again…

I will never forget the series of events on February 2nd, 2015. It was frigid outside, we were in the middle of an ice storm. I was eating dinner with my husband, when the first ‘doozy’ contraction hit me. ‘Whoa. That was serious,’ I said. It was enough to stop me in my sentence. 5 minutes … More Think you don’t need a doula if you’re taking Bradley classes? Think again…